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Posts published in December 2011

Learning high-performance tasks with no conscious effort may soon be possible (w/ video)

Via – Creating the FutureNew research published today in the journal Science suggests it may be possible to decoded fMRI neurofeedback to learn to play a piano, reduce mental stress or hit a curve ball with little or no conscious effort. It’s the kind of thing seen in Hollywood’s “Matrix” franchise.Via

NASA clears SpaceX for trial run to space station

Via – Creating the FutureSpaceX, a private company, will make a trial cargo run to the International Space Station in February, a key step in a new U.S.   To encourage commercial cargo runs, NASA has hired SpaceX and a second company, Virginia-based Orbital Sciences Corp. to fly cargo to the space station, a $100 billion project of 16…

Indefinite military detention for U.S. citizens now in the hands of a secretive conference committee – Blog – OpenCongress

Via – Demand TransformationWith the House having voted 406-17 to “close” portions of the meetings and avoid public scrutiny, members from both chambers and both parties are meeting in a secretive conference committee to work on reconciling the differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill.   On the military detention provision, their main task is going…

‘Visible Shape’: Philip Glass, Lou Reed At Occupy Lincoln Center Captured In Artsy Short Film (VIDEO)

Via – Demand Transformation Philip Glass and Lou Reed occupied Lincoln Center last week, after a performance of Glass’ opera, “Satyagraha,” at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.   “When righteousness withers away, and evil rules the land, we come into being, age after age, and take visible shape, and move, a man among men, for the protection…

Power in Numbers: China Aims for High-Tech Primacy

Via – Creating the Future China’s booming economy and growing technological infrastructure may thrust it to the forefront of the next generation of computing, many American experts say.   China is now the world’s second-largest venture capital market, growing to $7.6 billion from just $2.2 billion in 2005, while the American venture capital market has remained largely stagnantVia